Our company has recently begun to write its current history, but it builds upon a rich foundation of experience that we have been gathering since 1997 when the highly talented Mirek Dvořáček decided to focus on this excellent field of gastronomy.

Over the past few years...

we have been actively involved in numerous captivating events, gatherings, festivals, music performances, and smaller celebrations all over the Czech Republic, primarily as providers of cocktail and beverage catering. Our expertise lies in offering bartender courses, molecular mixology, and cocktail catering.

The courses we offer include comprehensive education and practical skills for aspiring bartenders and mixology enthusiasts. With a passion for the art of mixology and a constant search for new trends and techniques, we are ready to create original and surprising beverages that will enchant your senses. Our main priorities are quality, professionalism, and customer satisfaction.

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Vaše radost. Naše radost.

Ať už plánujete svatbu, firemní akci, večírek nebo jinou speciální událost, koktejlový catering je tou správnou volbou. Postaráme se o kompletní servis od začátku do konce. Přivezeme všechny potřebné ingredience, vybavení a profesionální barmany, kteří se postarají o přípravu a servírování skvělých koktejlů. Vaši hosté budou nadšení z našeho odborného přístupu a jedinečného stylu.

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